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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

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Rowan Year 3

Year 3 Rowan Class

Mrs  Sheridan - full time class teacher and Science Leader

Mrs Potter - part time Teaching Assistant

Miss Towler - part time Teaching Assistant

Miss Clarkson - PPA cover every Monday afternoon


Saint Bernadette is our class saint.    

Hope is our virtue.


Our Learning 

In Year 3 we want our children to be safe, happy, excited and challenged to be the best they can be.  Our learning environment is shaped by an understanding of what children can achieve, and by delivering teaching and learning opportunities that meet individual needs.  We want them to have 'the best days of their lives.'

Through our curriculum we aim to develop skills, knowledge, attitudes and creativity.   Children are encouraged to ask questions and become lifelong learners.  The topics enable pupils to build on skills from previous years whilst providing opportunities to teach and learn new subject knowledge.  The topics that will be taught this year in Rowan show a full coverage of the National Curriculum as well as providing learning opportunities that will capture the creativity and imagination of our children. It is through these topics we endeavour to Believe in God, ourselves and others. 

Our topic work this year begins in the Autumn with ‘The Stone Age’ followed by ‘Extreme Earth.’ After Christmas we will study the 'Mayans' followed by a study of land use in the UK.  During the Summer we will learn about the ‘Romans’ and also compare Yorkshire and the Humber with a region of Italy.  We are planning an exciting array of activities, trips and visitors, which we hope, will fire  imaginations, harness  enthusiasm and improve writing. We also have an exciting involvement with the Leeds Diocesan Choral program whereby children are taught singing once a week for two terms by a specialist teacher. 

  • P.E day is on a Monday.  Pupils will need plain black jogging bottoms or shorts, a white t-shirt and plain, dark sweater or jogging top.   They will also need pumps. Please make sure that all of these items are labelled with your child's name.
  • Library book day is Friday.
  • Reading books will be changed on Tuesdays and Thursdays.   Please read with your child as regularly as possible.  In class, children take part in whole class guided reading and we also use a website called Reading Plus to develop fluency, comprehension and vocabulary skills. We have an ongoing class book which we try to read together at least three times a week. The more practice, the more confident and fluent your child will become whilst developing their own vocabulary.
  • Outdoor learning takes place on alternate Thursdays. Please ensure your child has wellington boots in school especially during the winter months.
  • Healthy snacks can be purchased from the school tuck shop at breaktimes for 40p an item.
  • Spellings are set on Mondays on Spell Shed.  


If you do have any questions then please get in touch. Email  susan.sheridan@sjk.bcwcat.co.uk


Please read with your child as regularly as possible.  We ask for a minimum of three times a week.  Daily if possible. Reading books are required in school each day. We try to read with each child so their book needs to be accessible. If your child has read their book it may be changed on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  We ask that you read not only school books but books from home, comics, non-fiction books etc.  The library in Keighley is free to join and is a great way to access more texts.

Your child may also choose a book from our school library to take home each week.

When reading please check for understanding of the text alongside your child being able to 'decode' the words. 


Practice times tables on a regular basis.

The  2,  5,  10  times tables should be known by heart.  Followed by the 3, 4, 8 times tables.  Once these are known please support your child in learning the rest of the times tables.

When your child is in Year 4 they will complete a statutory times tables test of all the tables. (June 2025).      


Take Away Homework


stone age takeaway homework.pdf

Knowledge Organisers

stone age to iron age history knowledge organiser.pdf