Cherry Class - Nursery
Things to know about Cherry Class!
Lead Early Years Practitioner - Mrs.Hudson
Early Years Practitioner - Miss. Jukes
Early Years Practitioner - Mrs. Myers
Early Years Apprentice - Mrs. Roberts
Early Years Practitioner / Lunchtime Supervisor - Mrs Done & Miss Brett
Our class saint in Mother Teresa and our virtue is kindness.
Cherry Class Essential Information
- Our PE day will be every other Wednesday. Your child will not need a PE kit. In January 2024 we will begin to take our shoes and socks off.
- Every other Wednesday we will go outside on the field for outdoor learning. We will go outside in all weathers so wellies are essential and are to be left in school on your child’s peg. Waterproofs are optional as we do have some in school.
- Fresh water, milk and a fruit snack is provided daily.
- Finally, we do ask for a voluntary weekly £1 donation which we use to purchase extra snacks, purchase baking materials and enhanced craft materials. Your support each week really does help us to provide the extra special things for your child’s learning and it is gratefully received. A donation tin will be outside our class entrance each week.
- Please ensure that your child have a spare change of clothes that is named, in school at all times.
Our Learning
Firstly, welcome to the St Joseph’s family!
Our main priority is to ensure each child is happy and enjoys their journey throughout our School!
In Cherry class we strive to create a calm, happy and loving learning environment where children achieve their maximum potential. Working together as a class family to learn key skills needed for future life which include friendships, communication skills, physical skills needed for writing, a strong foundation in numbers and a thorough knowledge about the world and people around them.
We teach children a variety of topics to ignite new interests and teach new knowledge and vocabulary. We are also very lucky in the early years to be able to follow children's current interests and learn lots of new skills and knowledge in the moment by following their lead. Learning to speak confidently, early reading skills and learning to count are essential life skills that we practise each and every day, as a whole class, in small groups and within the children's play. Full details of the topics and skills we teach can be found below.
Throughout the school year we will also enhance your child's learning experience by providing wow days, these include visitors into school and weekly forest friday's. We look forward to a fun filled year
If you need to contact Mrs Hudson please feel free to send an email or contact the school office.
Knowledge Organisers