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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

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Elder Year 2

Things to know about Elder Class!

Class Teacher - Mrs. Blenkarn
Year 2 Class Teacher, Early Years Foundation Stage Leader & English Leader
Teaching Assistant - Miss Bowden (Monday - Thursday)
Teaching Assistant - Miss Stevens (Friday)
PPA cover – Miss Clarkson (AM) , Mrs. Allen (Thursday PM) & Mrs. Wilson (Friday PM) 
Lunchtime Supervisor - Mrs. Ellison 
Our Class Saint is St. Mary Magdalene - Patron Saint of Forgiveness.
Elder Class Essential Information
  • Please read with your child as regularly as possible. The more they practise, the more confident and fluent your child will become. 

    The children will read with an adult three times per week, we love to read your comments so please write in your child's reading record how they have done with their reading at home.

  • Books will be changed every Friday, please sign your child's reading book when you have read with them. 

  • Our PE day is on a Thursday. The children will need their PE kit in school, this consists of plain black jogging bottoms or shorts, a white t-shirt and jumper. They will also need pumps

  • Outdoor Learning will take place on Monday afternoons, your child will need wellies in school as we will be outdoors in all weather.

  • Home learning will be sent each Friday, please ensure your child returns their Home Learning book for new work to be stuck in. 

  • On Friday's we visit the school library to choose a reading for pleasure book. 

  • Raffle tickets are on sale each Friday for 50p, please send cash in for your child to buy their own tickets. 

  • We use X to update snippets from our day and showcase out wonderful work. Please be sure to follow us @stjosephskly. 

Our Learning

In Elder class we aim for the children to be happy and confident in all that they do. We aim for the children to thrive in learning and friendship and love coming to school each day. Everyday is an opportunity to learn and develop as we try to be the best that we can be. We believe in ourselves, celebrate our differences and encourage each other everyday.  We are all a part of the Elder Class family.

In Elder class we organise our learning by building upon the skills that we have learned in EYFS and in Year 1, as well as learning new skills, to ensure that we are continually progressing in each area. Through our creative curriculum, we ensure that the children learn a range of topics and grow their skills through those topics. This school year we will be focusing on the following topics;


 Geography - Map of our Town (Autumn 1)

History - Local History - Was it always like this?  (Autumn 2)

Geography - Geo Wonders - What is a capital city?  (Spring 1)

History - Towers, tunnels and turrets - Why do we have castles in the UK? (Spring 2)

Geography - Besides the seaside- What's the same, what's different? (Summer 1)

History - Fire, Fire - How did the great fire change London?  (Summer 2)

These exciting topics show a full coverage of the National Curriculum, as well as providing learning opportunities that will capture the creativity and imagination of our children. It is through these topics we endeavor to Believe in God, ourselves and others.  

In Elder Class, nurture is at the forefront on our minds - through lamps and fairy lights we promote a calming and cosy classroom environment with low lighting and a relaxed atmosphere to help the children feel at home. Our class environment is something that the children adore and it is clear to see the impact of this throughout the school day. We promote children to have a sense of ownership over their learning space with each child having an area of the classroom that they are responsible for. 

We plan on lots of exciting trips and learning opportunities throughout the year, which will engage the children in their learning and ensure they have the #bestdaysoftheirlives, thus inspiring writing, enthusiasm and a quest for learning!

 Please follow us on Twitter @stjosephskly and follow #SJKElderClass

 If you do have any questions then please get in touch.

My email address is sharon.blenkarn@sjk.bcwcat.co.uk  alternatively I am around most days both before and after school. 

School Year Curriculum Overview 2024 - 2025 

year 2 class yearly topic overview ks1 24 25 year b.pdf


 Knowledge Organisers

living things and their habitat autumn 1.pdf

animals including humans autumn 2.pdf

the united kingdom knoweledge organisor.pdf



new elder class autumn 2 letter 2024.pdf


elder class spring newsletter 2025 1 .pdf