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PSHE Curriculum

At St Joseph’s, we are committed to developing wonderful young people, driven by the virtues that we teach and live by. With Christ at the centre of all we do, we will offer a school that allows children to succeed, develop friendships and come to know God and themselves. We believe that school should be a safe, exciting place - the best days of your life! 

Our Mission

“Believing in God, ourselves and others”


As a school of opportunity, we want to provide the children with the knowledge, skills and attributes they will need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society.  We are a school of knowledge, and at St Joseph's, it is our intent to provide a PSHE curriculum that helps children and young people to stay safe, be healthy and be prepared for life’s challenges and opportunities.  We believe that well taught PSHE, will help children to achieve their academic potential.  We recognise our role and responsibility to cover the statutory requirements of the Relationships Health and Sex Education.

pshe progression document 2023 2024.pdf



The teaching of PSHE at St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School  is very much centered around our School Virtues. These virtues are introduced in our Monday liturgy and then developed further within our classes. We have circle time to discuss the Virtues,  their meaning and how we can show this virtue in our daily life. Every Friday a child from each class is awarded the Virtue Certificate.  

PSHE is taught in each year group, throughout the year under the key headings : Relationships / Health and Wellbeing / Living in the wider world.

The balance of PSHE  is also taught through other subjects such at Science, Computing, Physical Education, Topic, RE and Maths 

Online safety is very prevalent and we teach this in PSHE times , special termly lessons (see timetable for this) discrete lessons where needed and through visitors and visits

We teach all about  RHSE (relationships, health and sex education) primarily through the scheme, Journey in Love. 

Early Years

PSHE is a prime area and is planned for and taught on a daily basis in the 3 main areas : Self regulation / managing self / building relationships. Discrete sessions are also taught for certain topics including relationships and well-being.  Journey in Love helps to teach the statutory aspects of RHSE. 

KS1 and KS2

We follow ‘Journey in Love’ to teach many statutory aspects of RHSE but recognise that this doesn’t provide everything we feel our children need to know.  We use the a variety of programmes of study to help plan a broader curriculum which also covers health, relationships, economic well-being, careers and enterprise and personal safety education.  We strive to be a school of innovation and believe that this comprehensive curriculum will meet the needs of our children. In KS2 the Friday’s “diversity assembly” highlights the “protected characteristics” that children will learn and research about through their time here at St Joseph’s.

The programme of study develops knowledge and skills by revisiting, reinforcing and extending year on year.

PHSE is taught in a variety of ways. We have discrete lessons and themed weeks, for example Road Safety, visits from the police team, NSPCC, a comprehensive and thought provoking Citizenship programme in Year 6.  Sometimes, we teach it in a reactive way to particular areas of concern or issues.   There are many cross curricular links with our Science, Computing, P.E. and R.E. curriculums too.

We recognise that themed weeks alone are not best practice for providing children with the knowledge and skills they need for school, out of school and in the future, and so  teach regular sessions each half term, following the planned document on the next slides.

We also use pupil voice and through the school council and RE council map out themes and experiences for the children through the children's interests and needs.


Our broad PSHE curriculum will give our children the skills and knowledge they need to 

  • Express themselves and be happy
  • Know how to keep themselves safe
  • Understand the importance of, and make healthy lifestyle choices
  • Be able to have good and healthy relationships
  • Know how they can have a positive impact on the wider community

Our aim is the children leave St Joseph’s equipped with the knowledge and understanding on how to be good citizens and make a positive difference in the world.


Next: Click on  the progression document below, that has the yearly objectives that are progressive and taught through the variety of ways mentioned earlier.